A Writer’s Heart: Seeing

pexels-photo-355288.jpegYe have seen what I did unto the Egyptians,

and how I bare you on eagles’ wings,

and brought you unto myself.”

Exodus 19: 4, KJV

A Short Story:

Jacob’s eyes grew wide as he held his mother’s hand and gazed at the mountain of water on either side of him. He wanted to cover his ears against the roaring wind holding back the fierce waves but didn’t dare turn loose of his mama’s hand. His bare feet stumbled trying to keep up. Finally, they reached the river’s bank and climbed out of the towering walls of the sea.

“Help Grandpa,” he cried.

Jacob’s older brother pulled Grandpa to safety. The massive crowd in front of Jacob extended farther than he could see. His family had been the last to cross.

Moses stood with his rod outstretched. Jacob turned. “Mama, run! Pharoah’s army is coming across. Run!”

Before Jacob’s family could flee, the roaring waters began to crash down on the army. Jacob’s mouth gaped as he watched the chariots, men, and horses, being tossed around like weightless balls of string.

As the river’s graveyard settled, another sound caught Jacob’s attention. Moses began singing a victory song. His mother turned loose of her hold. She rattled her tambourine and sang with Moses.

“The Lord is my strength and song,

and he is become my salvation:

he is my God,

and I will prepare him an habitation;

my father’s God, and I will exalt him.”

Exodus 15: 2, KJV

When the road grew hard a few months later, Moses called on the children of Israel to remember all they had seen the Lord God perform on their behalf. Remember and draw strength.

Memories. Pictures of a ten-year-old girl with wispy blonde pigtails, a teenager with long straight blonde hair covered with a beautiful veil, a mother holding her firstborn, a dream disappearing, another dream given—these and a swirling cloud of memories float through my mind like a peaceful river.

Each memory flowing in the current opens my eyes to see how God, my heavenly Father, has carried me down life’s river and lifted me up on eagles’ wings bringing me ever closer to him. This is what I want for my readers.

The vision of memories shows me my Father’s faithfulness to work his work of salvation in and through me. I see the path He used to bring me to this place of writing and why I write what I write.

The apostle John writes,

“That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you,

that ye also may have fellowship with us:

and truly our fellowship is with the Father,

and with his Son Jesus Christ.

And these things write we unto you,

that your joy may be full.”

1 John 1: 3-4, KJV

Those with more knowledge than I reiterate John’s truth to direct the writer’s path. We are to write what we know—personally— of our God. To all of us, the Lord has shown himself through his word, creation, and his Son, Jesus Christ. This knowledge is available to all who will seek the Lord.

John takes us a step farther than mere knowledge of facts. He shares with us from his personal experience with the Lord when he begins his letter with—

“That which was from the beginning,

which we have heard,

which we have seen with our eyes,

which we have looked upon,

and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;”

1 John 1:1, KJV

For our writing to resonate with our readers, the words need to flow from the heart of God into our hearts, and out into the heart of those who will hear … or see what we have seen.

Sharing our experiences eliminates room for argument. I remember sharing with my father-in-law and one of his sons the work of salvation the Lord did in my heart, the love he gave me through Jesus, and how that love flowing over into others would change the world. The son mentioned, “Yes, the world would be a different place if all believed the same way and acted accordingly.”

My brother-in-law nor my father-in-law, received salvation that day, but the confrontation ended and words of life hung in the air.

Sharing our victories and trials of life along with the struggles, the doubts and temptations, give our readers hope. As we have seen God’s faithfulness, they begin to see the Lord is for them, as well.

We share what we know, not as a know-it-all, but what is real and with the understanding we are all still on the journey of knowing the Lord more.

The song, “Be Thou My Vision,” came to mind today. I encourage you to google it and make it your prayer. Then share the vision, exalt our God, and write what you have seen, heard, and know of the Word of life.

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