Wisdom’s Word: Sincerity

Wisdom’s Word: Sinceritybloglove-699480_960_720

“But the wisdom that is from above

is first pure, then peaceable, gentle,

and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits,

without partiality,

and without hypocrisy.”

James 3: 17, KJV

With this week’s post, we’ve reached James’s final characteristic of wisdom—without hypocrisy. Godly wisdom displays all of the above attributes with a true and righteous heart. It is first pure, meaning without hypocrisy.

A Story from the Book of Acts chapter five:

Ananias juggled two money bags from hand to hand as he smiled at his wife, Sapphira. “This one …” he swung the bag in his right hand, “will go to the apostles. We will be seen as generous as the others.” Ananias lifted the heavier pouch in his left hand. “This one will remain with us, our little secret.”


Another Story From Yesterday:

Thunder rumbled as dark clouds crashed in the fast-moving wind. Rain pelted the roof. Darkness engulfed us as the turmoil overcame man’s power of electricity. A little girl’s scream permeated the building that only seconds before filled with the camper’s laughter and fun. Counselors and campers moved to the chapel and began singing and praising the Lord. Soon calm reigned inside where outside the weather kept the world in darkness.

When morning dawned, the camp remained without electricity, but the Lord’s light moved in their midst. Twelve hours had passed which meant all our refrigerated food had to be trashed—nearly three hundred dollars’ worth.

God is faithful. One young man volunteered to go with another counselor to purchase food for the last couple of days of camp. He picked up the bill. A ninety-year-old man heard of our loss and donated, you guessed it, three hundred dollars.

These two men exemplify, along with the many others giving of themselves, time, and prayer, the godly wisdom James describes as being without hypocrisy. They are those who are—

“a sweet savour of Christ …

not as the many, which corrupt the word of God:

but as of sincerity,

but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.” 

2 Corinthians 2: 15a, 17, KJV

They are those who heed the Apostle John’s admonition.

“My little children,

let us not love in word, neither in tongue;

but in deed and in truth.”

1 John 3:18, KJV

Returning to the account of Ananias and his wife, they exemplify the worldly wisdom found in hearts filled with every evil work. They wore a mask of godliness which the Holy Spirit revealed to the apostles. Peter first confronted Ananias.

‘“The land was yours to do with as you wanted,” Peter said. “When you sold your land, the money was yours to keep or give. You kept a portion, pretending to give all.” Peter’s fierce stare never faltered. “You haven’t lied to us, but to God.”

Ananias’s eyes bulged. He gasped. He clutched his throat—and collapsed at the apostles’ feet.”’ (Cost & Crown, my novel to be released in July.)


The Apostle Paul declares the end of both—

  • those who walk in godly wisdom’s sincerity-pureness of heart in truth and deed,
  • and those who walk in earthly wisdom’s sensual … evil work

“For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ,

in them that are saved, and in them that perish:

To the one we are the savour of death unto death;

and to the other the savour of life unto life.

And who is sufficient for these things?”

2 Corinthians 2: 15-16, KJV

In answer to Paul’s question, wisdom apart from God administers death. Godly wisdom administers life to the hearers. He tells us—

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves

to think any thing as of ourselves;

but our sufficiency is of God;

Who also hath made us able ministers

of the new testament;

not of the letter, but of the spirit:

for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”

2 Corinthians 3: 5-6, KJV

All that’s left for us to do is to ask God for wisdom. Then use what he gives. He freely gives wisdom from above to those who ask.

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