Gentle As A Dove

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“But the wisdom that is from above is

first pure, then peaceable,

gentle, and easy to be intreated …”

James 3: 17, KJV

Godly wisdom is without flaw, generates peace, is calming, tender and approachable.

She sat in her rocking chair with a crocheted afghan covering her lap. A potbelly stove kept the living area warm, and Granny Holder’s sweet smile invited you to sit-a-spell. When I think of a gentle spirit she comes to mind. Granny reflected the gentle nature of our heavenly Father and his Son.

A limited knowledge of God often turns him into a harsh judge waiting eagerly to punish wrongdoers. But, no, this is not our heavenly Father. Our heavenly Father is …

“even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of mercies,

and the God of all comfort;

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation …”

2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4, KJV

He is gentle toward us and made himself approachable through his Son, Jesus Christ.


Jesus is the shepherd of Psalm 23 and John 10. He is the shepherd who searches for the lost lamb and carries them in his arms. He is—

“the good shepherd:

the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”

John 10:11, KJV

Jesus invites us to come to the Father through himself.

“Come unto me,

all ye that labour and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart:

and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

Matthew 11: 28-29, KJV

The Apostle Paul describes the gentle soul in 1Thessalonians 2: 7-8, KJV

“But we were gentle among you,

even as a nurse cherisheth her children:

So being affectionately desirous of you,

we were willing to have imparted unto you,

not the gospel of God only,

but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.”

Paul’s attitude and actions reveal the gentle Spirit of Christ dwelling in him. When we desire wisdom, godly wisdom, we are asking not for super-power intelligence, but for the image of Christ to be born in us through our words, attitudes, and actions. We are asking the Lord to use us to feed his sheep in his physical absence.

When Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, Jesus commissioned Peter as a shepherd. Peter? A gentle shepherd? We receive the same commission as Peter to feed the Lord’s sheep and do it as Paul explained.

With godly wisdom, we are to—

  • search for the lost sheep,
  • carry them near our hearts,
  • be gentle and cherish one another,
  • speak and live the gospel we have received,
  • and dedicate our lives to the work of a wise shepherd with a gentle heart.

“And the Lord’s servant

must not be quarrelsome

but kind to everyone,

able to teach,

patiently enduring evil,

correcting his opponents with gentleness.”

2 Timothy 2: 24-25a, ESV

Most people wouldn’t have recognized Granny as a wise woman. She wasn’t highly educated—but she knew the Lord. Her life mirrored the pure, peaceable, gentle nature of our heavenly Father. She didn’t flaunt her wisdom, but like her afghan covered her lap, godly wisdom covered her heart. The same wisdom dwells in God’s children through the Spirit of Christ in us. May we grow in it and be willing to gently share God’s wisdom in attitudes, words, and actions.

Who needs your comforting, gentle spirit today? If someone comes to mind, reach out with a desire to share Christ’s gentle Spirit.

7 thoughts on “Gentle As A Dove

  1. This is beautiful, Donna. I can feel your granny’s gentle spirit through you and the words of truth and promise. God bless you! I enjoyed this and love the ways we can share his loving and gentle Spirit. I believe Granny’s wisdom, which reminds me of my grandma, is the best “smart” there is!

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